Monday, July 13, 2009

19 years later...

Fun it was, indeed! I had a great time catching up with old KPP friends on Saturday at Delicious Dua Residency. Not many could make it to the event alas those who came really made it an eventful gathering. Seeing old friends again after almost 2 decades really brings back lots of memories. But I must say, the gals really aged well. All of us look very elegant as we mature. Some even look unrecognizably pretty! The guys however mostly grew sideways (and I thought only my significant other has this problem...phew!!!). But there were some exception of course, a particular friend look so stunning with his well built body and 6 packs. He looks fit enough to star in 300 (the movie)!

I also have to say this, I always remember the guys to be taller, but on that day almost all of them seem to look shorter, weird huh? Perhaps their horizontal growth has overshadowed them vertically. But then again, I wore a 2.5" sandal that day, hence I had a 2.5" elevated view advantage.

Moi, who was so excited that day, forgot to bring my camera...%#$*&@!!!! So I have to ‘borrow’ some photos from my friend (Thanks Eika for the amazing photos).

The gals who didn’t seem to age a day since we left KPP…

The whole group who attended the reunion

(Can you see the Guccis, Pradas, LVs and Ferragamos in the picture? Dasyat you!! and you should also check out the rides in the car park. We all have done well my friends. Kids, education can take you places. This group has proven it!)

The last group to leave

I say let’s meet up again soon people!


  1. 19 years eh? rasa baru semalam jer kita suma tinggalkan section 17& 18 tu kan?? seronok dpt jumpa kawan2 lama ni...kalau aku, sahih kebanjiran. drama queen lah katakan!

    you do look stunning lah! seriously!

  2. macam tak percaya kan? rasa macam baru je yesterday naik bass mini 50sen nak ke class lepas tu round kompleks PKNS. pas tu beli nasi lemak sotong Giant yang sungguh sedap itu.

    jangan dipuji banyak sangat, muka yg tak pernah ditempek make up ni bila sekali sekala di make upkan naik lah sikit serinyer. itu pun gambor je, kalau tengok real life, macam buruh kasar jer dak wan oi.

  3. correction: it was only sen lah! so damn cheap kan tapi ye laa, we were students maa..besides the petrol then was not that expensive like right now kan..

    kalau ke giant tu, nasi lemaknya was a must but i like to add rendang ayam nya yang besar2 n yummy tu..heaven!

  4. it was only 30 sen-lah! cehh tertinggal 30sen plak..

  5. patut-ler. was wondering about it earlier. 30sen ek, lupa pulak. So the very cheap kan? Nowadays, 30sen dapat beli sebijik gula2 saja.
