Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Buang emak buang saudara, kerana kasih hamba turutkan...

Just thought of documenting my love story.

Bak kata pepatah Melayu, buang emak buang saudara, kerana kasih hamba turutkan, this is my love story...

We first met at PPP/ITM (Pusat Pendidikan Persediaan for JPA sponsored students) in 1990. He said it was love for the first sight for him (or so he said). Aidah was the 'postman'. Thank you so much Aidah...jasamu tetap ku kenang.

Although both felt that we were meant for each other, we broke up not long before we left for the States for no apparent reason. Perhaps it was fate. We both dated other people after the break up but somehow the feeling towards each other never faded. It in fact grew stronger.

Picture taken in 1993 after Commencement Day at Shah Alam.

If you have faith in love, love will find you... We were admitted to the same university - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. He was studying Chemical Engineering and I, Management. Our love rekindled there. It was fate that brought us together again.

This is the man I fell in love with...the love of my life. Quite a catch (at that time lah)...lucky me. Picture was taken at West Lafayette, Indiana over 15 years ago.

Less than a year after our arrival in the US, we decided to get married. It was Fall 1994. The solemnisation ceremony took place at Indianapolis Islamic Centre, Indianapolis, Indiana, about 2-hour drive from Purdue, witnessed by a few very close friends.

First picture together after officially declared husband and wife... Nazri Ason was the photographer of the day.

And almost 15 years and four childen later....(a lot more happened in between, but I'm just too lazy to scan the pictures and write the details)

...I've never been happier (despite the fact that he has gained more than 15kg and I, 5kg - a sign of prosperity and happiness that is). We are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year...yes, 15 years together as husband and wife.

Sayang if you're reading this...you are my sunshine, my life, my saviour, my love, my heart, my soul. I love you baby...


  1. Dear Zura,

    Didnt know that you and fatzun were married while you guys were in the States lagi. Dasattt!! 15 years dah, time does fly very fast kan.

    Anyway, congrats to you both -- very loving couple, as i see it. With 2 boys and 2 girls, its just perfect!

  2. Thanks Wan. Yeah memang dasattt dah 15 yrs, rasa macam baru je yesterday. Your family pun apa kurangnye, very beautiful family.
