Thursday, February 26, 2009

In the news today...

There is an interesting advertisement (1 pg ad) posted by a M'sian citizen by the name of Anas Zubedy, MD of Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd, in The Star today, pg N37 (world section) - it's an advertisement so it's not available in The Star online plus the ad is too big to scan too so for kengkawan yang not in Malaya sorry lah ye.

It caught my attention as the headline and subheadline reads:

Dear Malaysian Politicians,
Please stop the power chase, call for a truce and focus on the economy.

The ad basically call for the BN and Opposition to stop bickering and focus on reviving the economy instead. I particularly like this paragraph:

"BN and PR! Call for a truce. Get together and compromise. Someone has to give in. Or has hate consumed your heart till it blinds you? You can do it. You have enough intelligent people between you. I am sure you can find solutions. take the nation to heart. That is why you are in politic in the first place."

He went on to say:

"Focus on the people. Focus on the economy. Please." And sign off with his name.

BRAVO Mr. Anas Zubedy, I'm with you on this. He spoke from his heart and willing to spend good money to take up a full page advertisement just to be heard. I hope that the people in the parliament do take note and act on it.

What have become of Malaysia?????

p/s: If I have time later, I'll try to scan or write the whole ad.


  1. It won't happen because in this world it will always two sides of story, good and evil, handsome and ugly, fat and macho. Let's hope that one day Fatzunnahar will lead Malaysia to the new world of change....

  2. Wonderful, I look forward to become the first wife.
