Monday, May 11, 2009

Kids will be kids

Have you ever tried to take photos of your kids together (note: applicable for mothers with more than 2 kids only)? Over the weekend I tried to do so and the result was exactly as I’ve expected, a disaster!

Kids will always be kids. It was so hard to make all 4 of them cooperate and smile for the camera. After the 5th shot, Harris lost interest and refused to cooperate anymore....hmmmm.

I know I'm not the only mother who face this problem but I have seen people who have nice family photo. I envy them. I do, I really do. It makes me wonder what's their secret.

This is the result of the so called photo shoot…

Sophie: no no no...i don't wanna sit next to my sista

Harris: peace *tanduk*

Sophie: noooo abang Dan is smelly

This one is not so bad

Ariana: hey, look at the camera
Sophie: duhhhh
Harris: It's too funny
Daniel: Is it done yet? I'm bored...


  1. Meah kelabu sorang tu saja yang syok duk posing....

  2. meah kelabu tu forever posing sakan...

  3. memang pun. lepas tu dia dok posing lagi sorang2. ada la 4-5 keping gambaq dia sorang.
