Friday, April 3, 2009

Come what may

I have decided that nothing will stop me from writing in my blog for as long as I have the passion and the time to do it. Some people may try to make fun of what I wrote or didn't like the content, nevertheless, they shall not deter me, not even a bit. It makes me want to write even more. It gives me a greater sense of purpose, not to please anyone but for my own satisfaction and at the same time improve my writing.

Many may not know that I was in PR and Communications before I quit my job last year. So my job involved writing and plenty of editing too. Writing in my blog is pretty much like a job to me, only more interesting. I can write about anything and everything that interest me instead of about a company, a product or an event. I may have flaws (I am sure there are plenty of grammar mistakes in each post) in my writing but that's what exercise is all about, practise makes perfect. I take writing in my blog as a form of practise and training. Keeping abreast with writing and current issues are my way of keeping myself relevant should I decided to enter the job market again soon.

I also noticed that I have a growing audience in my blog, alhamdulillah. I hope you enjoy reading the posts so far. I will try to vary the topic from time to time to make it more interesting. Do let me have your feedback on what you think I should write about.

So keep on watching this space for more updates my friends. By the way, I shall not change the background colour to blue like someone had suggested. Green and pink is a beautiful combination, don't you think so?


  1. Been reading your blog since the beginning. One good thing abt discovering a blog since it's birth is, I don't miss a thing yet.
    I blog since my daughter was born in her babybook and my own blog I password protect it. Don't dare to let the world know yet.
    So,happy blogging and hope you get the momentum going and going like the Duracell bunny. :-)

  2. Thanks Mid. You made my day. I've been reading your daughter's babybook actually. She is so adorable, comels sangat. It must be wonderful for her to see her development documented online.
    When you are ready to share you blog with the rest of us, let me know yah. I don't wanna miss it for the world.

  3. wehhh

    i am a loyal reader too lah! keep going you glokal hot mama!

    and Mid,
    dare not leaving me behind should you one day decide to disclose yours.


  4. Thanks Wan, your words of encouragement will keep me going. Hot mama? Yuhoooo syoknyer!
