Thursday, April 7, 2011

A wedding and a funeral

What a stark contrast it was for me – 1 week we were celebrating my brother-in-law’s wedding with the whole jing-bang on my husband’s side, and we were burying my nephew the next, on my side of the family. The latter was definitely a solemn affair for the whole family. God knows how sad all of us were (and still are), having to go through such event. In less than 1 short year we lost 2 close family members - my eldest brother and one of his young sons.

I’m not good at writing sad stories, in fact, I totally suck at it. I’m struggling to write this piece while fighting back tears so badly. But I want to write about him. I MUST.

Muhammad Ismail b. Azman, fondly called Me’e, lived a short life. He was barely 18 the day he died, only a few days after he received his SPM results. He was as healthy as a horse just a few days before he slipped into coma. The saddest thing for me was, of all my 12 nieces and nephews, he was the closest to us and I believe to my parents too. Even my husband cried uncontrollably during his funeral. That’s how big the impact of his lost was to us.

He will forever be cherished as a big fella who loved to eat (and could eat an entire cow on his own!), had the sweetest smile, happy go lucky although at times he could be a little bit sensitive, soft hearted and very protective of his siblings. He took after my brother so much, especially when it came to caring for his siblings. I think (actually I KNOW!) I’m not wrong to say that he loved his 3 younger siblings more than his mother ever will, and vice versa.

Picture taken during our last family outing in Penang in December last year. Second from right is Me’e, with his closest cousins.

Dalam kenangan...
Muhammad Ismail bin Azman (16 October 1993 – 1 April 2011)

We all miss you so much. May Allah swt grant you Nur in barzah.


  1. إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

    Sorry to hear about your lost.What is the given-reason of death?

    Al-fatihah to the arwah.

  2. Thanks so much Mid.
    About 2 weeks prior to his death he was involved in an accident but escaped unscratched (externally). Little did anyone know that he actually had a small fracture on his leg which had caused infection internally. The infection subsequently attacked his organs because it was left untreated. The day he slipped into coma his body temp was 47degree. But just a day before that he didn't show any serious signs. My mom took him to hospital after she saw his leg slightly swollen. It was a shocked that merely 2 days after he was admitted he went into coma and never came out of it. But we accept ketentuanNya. We learned a lot from this incident and hope to never repeat it, ever.

  3. Zura takziah dari I, sedihnya baca . Harap u sekeluarga tabah. Al fatihah buat arwah moga beliau di tempatkan disamping org2 yg beriman Amin Amin Amin

  4. Thanks Biha...memang sedih, tapi kami terima ketentuanNya. Moga arwah berada ditempat yang lebih baik, insyaAllah.

  5. been a while since i last visited your blog, al fatihah to Me'e. Moga tabah.

  6. Takziah, dlm gembira baca kisah us turning 17, menitis airmata baca kisah allahyarham Me'ee. Semoga ditempatkan di jannah & dia tabah menghadapi kehilangan.

  7. Thanks Kin. We still miss him sampai la ni...
