Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What a day!

Oh what a day today. At noon I met with an accident on my way to pick up Nana from school. It wasn’t my fault but somehow I pity the 2 college boys who hit my car. Seeing them with cuts really made me feel so bad although I was the victim. I bet if a man was driving my car, the boys would be yelled at with such profanity and foul language.

This is what distinguishes between a man and a woman. When our motherly instinct kicks in, we empathize and we reason better. Unlike someone in my household who had his blood ran up the ceiling when MBSA cut the tree outside our home recently without prior notice. He went out chasing the MBSA people wanted to scream at them. I said, it’s just a tree…chill down. It’s not the end of the world.

Back to the unfortunate event, this is how it went - I was slowing down and signaled to make a right turn. Upon cornering slowly and I must also say cautiously, I heard a loud bang on the right side of my car. I saw 2 well-dressed young men on a motorbike who just hit my car. Upon impact they swerved and fell onto the road. I immediately stopped, abandoned my car on the road side and rushed to see their condition. It didn’t even cross my mind to check my car - human first, car later. One had some cuts on his arm and one hurt his ankle. I offered to take them to the clinic but they declined because they are due to present their projects in class. I offered them money so that they could go and see doctor after class, they turned it down too. They apologized, assured me that they’d be fine (because I kept insisting that we see a doctor) and left for class. I still feel bad till now...sigh. Hopefully they’d be fine, insyaAllah.

After this unlucky incident, I heard some good news about Nana (got some Ying and Yang going today). I bumped into her teacher at school and she asked whether Ariana is practicing her reading at home. To which I replied NO because we are still going through the alphabets with her every night. The teacher laughed and said that there is no need to do so, she knows the alphabet and she could actually READ already! She’s actually been reading books in class!! This comes as a huge surprise to me. At home she puts on her blur looks, pretending to be clueless and gave us the impression that she doesn’t even know the alphabets. Mana tau that she could already read! The teacher again told me that Ariana is exceptionally good in math.

I don’t know what to say or think. All I can say is this is a perfect example of an extreme middle child syndrome – she could be a really good case study. If she was an actress, she’d have won the Best Actress award - a smart child pretending to be clueless for the sake of getting her parents’ attention. Can you beat that?

Another good news (actually today is not such a bad day after all), later in the evening as I was playing with Sophie, I asked her about her Dada’s whereabouts. She happily pointed outside and answered “WORK”. I couldn’t be happier! Another word in her dictionary…woohooo. This really made my day.

Oh in my attempt not to upset my hubby when he sees the dent later, I made cucur keria from scratch today. It’s time for me to take a shower and prepare teh tarik in time for him to arrive home. Wish me luck people!

10 Resume Errors That Will Land You in the Trash

I opened my inbox this morning and saw an e-mail from my dear hubby on a subject that's very relevant and crucial for me at this point of time - noooo NOT handbags (I was secretly hoping that it was about handbags though) but resume!

By the way, a few friends asked me on my decision to go back to work after such a long break. Firstly, I would like to make it clear that when I resigned in mid of 2008, I never said that I was going to retire for good, I always maintained that I'm going for a long break.

I can't help but feel that it's a waste of good education to retire so early in life especially when my parents still need me to support them financially. But most importantly, I am not fit to spend too much time at home, it's turning me crazy with capital C!!! I'm going to give it another 5 years top and then perhaps I'll retire for good. Or if my hubby suddenly hit a jackpot and could afford to support my parents, buy me an LV/Gucci/Prada dan yang sewaktu dengannya every month and take me on overseas vacations (by overseas I mean places that takes at least 10hours journey by flight!) every other month, I'll retire sooner hehehe... (note: the key here is afford to buy me an LV EVERY month).

I say, enough is never enough. One would never stop craving for more and more and more...

Now back to resume. I just wanna share with you here 10 tips of writing a good resume (in case you'd ever need one):

1. Don’t show peacock feathers. We all want to stand out, but don’t use weird fonts or embed images in your resume. It makes your resume look strange (not in a good way) and might not even render the way you expect on someone else’s PC.

2. Omit the references. Including references on the resume itself says that you needed it for page filler, or you just don’t understand how the system works. References should only be provided upon request.

3. Don’t write in complete sentences. And don’t, for the love of God, include full paragraphs. Write in bullets and short, impactful sentence fragments that tell your story with a minimum of reading.

4. Don’t omit the numbers. Quantify your accomplishments.

5. Don’t list your responsibilities. No one cares what your last job’s requirements were. In fact, including them sends the message that you don’t understand that your job is to provide value through accomplishments.

6. Don’t include an objective. These were recommended once, long ago, but now they’re totally passé. Objectives tend to sound insincere, are hard to map to specific roles at each company you apply to, and limit your options.

7. Spell check. It goes without saying that your resume should be completely spell checked, free of grammatical errors, and not include any unexpected references to zebras.

8. Don’t list your Yahoo or sparklemotion e-mail address. As I discussed before, keep your e-mail address professional.
[Oh dear...does glokalmama sound professional? I hope it is!]

9. Don’t include your picture. Not only can this come off totally unprofessional, but it poises the employer for legal exposure since the picture reveals details about your sex, age, and ethnicity. They don’t want any part of that kind of pain and will toss you in the trash.

10. Don’t get too personal. Don’t include information about your personal interests or hobbies unless it’s relevant to the role.

Source: Bnet. The place to go for management.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Catch me if you can!

I have reached yet another milestone in my life, my eldest son has reached PUBERTY! Kwang kwang kwang...That makes me a mother with a teenage boy raging with hormone for a son. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect. Should I be worried??? Hmmm...on second thought, he still acts very much like a baby, hence I think I’m safe for now...phewww!

Presenting, my 'all-grown-up' Big D...(who is too shy to post for a pix)

But on the downside, this puberty thingy comes with loads of other ‘side effects’ as well - pimples, body odor and the likes. I’m sure you get the idea. I am blessed (or cursed!) with a strong sense of smell; therefore, this BO thingy is really getting on my nerve big time. At this point, all I need is an intervention from the highest level - God please give me the strength to go through this phase painlessly (or at least please thicken my nose temporarily). It's killing me softly and slowly...

Moving on to another child (aren't I glad that I'm blessed with many children - I have lotsa stories to tell wheeeee). My ‘lil girl Sophie is officially hooked on Barney. In the last couple of weeks she’s been watching and dancing along with the purple dinosaur every single day, come rain or shine, day and night. She conquers either 1 of the 2 TV sets we have at home ALL the time. And I tell ya she gives her undivided attention whenever she watches the programme - she is really into it 100%. She takes watching TV seriously, don't play play arrr. What can I say my little girl is in love for the first time...hahaha.

This is how she watches Barney, penuh kusyuk & tawadhuk before she gets up and dance along with Barney & friends.

My buah hati pengarang jantung

On a slightly different subject, in the last couple of weeks I’ve found quite a few strands of grey hair @uban on my head. One too many I’d say. Enough to freak me out for I’ve lived the past 37-years of my life literally uban-free. When it suddenly started to show up more often, I can’t help but feel like age is finally catching up *sob sob*. I’m soooo not ready for it!!!! People always say to stay young at heart forever. But I say when it started to show on top, you can’t ran away too far from it, it’ll catch up sooner or later. But try to catch me if you can, age! Muahaha...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I want, I want…I don’t care one!

Yes…I have finally completed my resume yesterday! Wooohooo...Next is cover letter pulak *sigh*. I reckon that it would take me another 2 months to draft it mini mini cooper...must write a cover letter...must write a cover letter...

Anyway, job hunting asides I want to write about a topic very close to my heart today (and everyday for that matter) – HANDBAGS.

To combat my excessive boredom, I was browsing through the internet for handbags in the last couple of weeks (what can I say, other knowledge in the universe doesn’t seem to interest me anymore these days...LOL! I am reduced to a handbag 'drooler' – can’t afford 'em hence I just drool at 'em lah) It was mind-boggling to find out that there are like a gazillion blogs out there dedicated to just handbags. Some just review handbags (yes there are women out there who dedicate their blogs to REVIEWING nothing but handbags! And they do it very well and classy too. Best of all they are Malaysians, Malaysia boleh!! I'm so darn proud of them) but mostly sell them. Those that are seriously into selling handbags are mostly Malaysians living abroad, more specifically the US of A – the land of freedom where everything is so freaking cheap, the only place on earth where you can get a piece of Vision cookware for a mere $1. Owhhh...I miss that darn place!!! Must write a cover letter...must write a cover letter...

My take from my active net surfing is - I will never ever buy handbags the conventional way ever again! I could get it a fraction of the cost through shopblogs (but I also learned that if it’s too good to be true, don’t buy it, it’s probably fake). I found 3 that I like soooo very much which are within my budget. The problem now is I can’t decide which 1 to get, I want all 3 boleh??? I want, I want, I want..!!! (I’m sure when my darling handsome hubby read this post he’d be scratching his head violently).

Fret not hubby, I shall use my own money for the purchase. I’m expecting a payout for one of my writing jobs soon (after a long wait, damn it!) and my turn for kutu is coming soon too...lalalalala. Oh handbag, come to mommy!!!

Back to job hunting, I can’t help but wonder if I made the cut and called in for an interview, what would their first impression be when they see my ‘damaged’ complexion? Frankly, I don’t think I would make a very good first impression, well at least NOT until they hear me talk coz they would be mesmerized by my level of intelligence then...muahahaha *acik perasan tahap gaban*. Anybody care to sponsor RM15,800? Anyone? Pleaseeeee...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lost in transition

Phewww...I can’t tell ya how big of a relief I felt today after a chat with my daughter’s teacher. She doesn’t have any learning disability whatsoever lah...too much dramalah this momma! It’s just that her interest is different from other kids – she excels in math (the teacher seems very impressed with Ariana’s ability in the subject) and arts – the total opposite of me! I hate math and arts, and like literature more. More like her daddy lah in this case. I was also told that she is very focus and put a lot of efforts in class.

Why can’t she be like that at home? This confirms my suspicion that she is showing symptoms of middle child syndrome. Alamak, 2 children in the family with the same problem...penat la momma ini macam! When Kyle was going through the same phase years back (and still is till this very day), he became very aggressive, threw tantrum, like to destroy stuff but very clingy at the same time. He still is very manja even though he looks so tough on the outside. Now with Ariana, she becomes super clingy yet very distance from my hubby & I, and refusing to learn at home or even showing that she is interested in learning for that matter. She wants us to spend more time with her by showing that she is clueless and hence needs extra help. Two kids, two sets of different symptoms and one unique problem – seeking attention the negative way.

The latest casualty of middle child syndrome...Miss Ariana Suraya

How do we overcome this problem? As a mother of 4, I admit that it is difficult to pay enough attention to all four kids equally (doesn’t this make you ponder how it is with men with four wives? *hairan tapi tak kagum walau sepuluh sen*). The youngest naturally needs more attention than the rest especially at her tender age (more so when she is still breastfeeding), the eldest would have outgrown his dependency towards his parents, but the 2 in the middle are like lost in transition. I tried my best to pay lots of attention to these 2 kids in the middle, but sometimes as a normal human being, my patience runs thin too. I have so much to offer but so little time for all four. How lah...?

When I was 7 years old and my mom gave birth to my brother, I felt like my presence in the family was significantly reduced to just another child. I was no longer ‘significant’. Perhaps that is how my 2 middle kids are experiencing; they feel like their place in the family is somehow threatened with the presence of younger siblings. But, in my case I didn’t try to seek attention the negative way, instead I did it the other way around – positive all the way. I excelled at school so that my parents would be proud of me, and they did (I hope so!!).

I say this again, having more than 2 kids is a lot more complicated and complex than people think it is. It may not be so 30 years ago, but these days in time it matters more. Perhaps it's time for me to practice what psychologists prescribed, take one kid at a time and spend quality time instead of quantity. Kyle and Nana, here comes momma!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Defeated, and not proud of it...

After 1yr and 7months of my attempt at being a full time mom, I finally came to a conclusion that I am not made to be one. I didn't make the cut...I failed terribly.

Over the last couple of weeks I have once again experienced the withdrawal symptoms. I feel lethargic, lack of interest to do just about anything, lazy to the max and actually been spending less time with the kids. I couldn’t sleep at night too. All I did the whole day was sit in front of my computer and take a nap the whole evening. I didn’t leave the house except for picking up Ariana from school (my hubby send her off to school everyday). My other kids take the bus to school. Even when my house is running out of provisions, I couldn’t care less. I’m just too lazy to go out and face the world. My fridge is almost empty to tell you the truth. Yesterday, I found 2 cans of tuna in my pantry, a can of stewed tomato and spaghetti and made do with it for lunch. Add the 3 ingredients and some dried herb and voila...tuna spaghetti for lunch. Dinners have been either take-out or eat out in the last week. Moi sudah meroyan tahap gaban! Helpppp!!!

Sometimes I envy my friends who have the tenacity to be a full time mom. They enjoy being one to the fullest, while I suck big time at it. I just don’t have what it takes to be one. This is what more than a decade of slaving yourself at work can do to you. It has taken the life out of you but you missed it when you don’t. I hate this feeling...

To combat this feeling, I’ve been keeping myself busy looking at vacancies ad these few days. Found a couple of positions that suit my line of work, however my resume is only half complete...sigh! Will I ever complete it? It bits me...perhaps I need a carrot (or a stick kot!) to get me going at full speed. Weird isn't it? Mau kerja but at the same time malas terlampau!

Something is definitely wrong with me...I hope it’s only PMS and not something more serious...hmmmm. I say thank God for blogging, it has been keeping me sane all this time...pheww!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If pictures could speak

I just love this photo...taken by my hubby yesterday as we were walking back from the playground nearby our home. That's moi with my little angel who by the way could still fit into her dress which I bought her when she was 6 months old. This little girl is growing at a very slow rate - vertically. Size-wise, she doesn't look like a 16 months old toddler at all - petite even at her tender age. Anak momma right down to the bone!

Moments like this is so precious that it reminds me of the very purpose of my existence...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Eat, gossip and be merry

In the last couple of weeks I have indulged myself in so many makan-makan activities – monthly kutu gathering, pot luck as well as dinner and birthday parties. I tummy has once again ballooned like a 3 months old pregnant woman, not a pretty sight I tell ya! This month is my turn to host makan-makan for the monthly kutu gathering (oh yes, I play kutu with fellow tai-tais of Bukit Jelutong). I can’t wait really. Of late I love having friends over for makan-makan at my place. I personally find cooking for friends a joy – what can I say, I love to feed people!

I wanted to prepare nasi daging or nasi minyak for the makan-makan during the CNY week but due to popular demand I was asked to cook laksa Kedah instead, easy peasy. Hmmm, what else should I prepare? I think bread pudding would go well with the laksa, don’t you think?

Back to kutu, I participate in this so-called money pool activity for the fun of it and most importantly for socializing above anything else. I’ve made a few very nice friends along the way – friends who are like an encyclopedia when it comes to makan and shopping! I loikeeeeee... The rule is every month the person whose turn is to get the moolah has to have makan-makan either at her own place or at some eateries. This monthly gathering is really a hit coz we get to gossip and eat for hours like nobody’s business. It’s fun I tell ya!

My kutu gang

On a slightly unrelated matter, my hubby would be celebrating his 38th birthday next month. 2 more years to the big 40...kwang kwang kwang. I think I should plan for makan-makan with some old friends to celebrate his birthday. Never done it before but it’s something that I should consider doing, don’t you think? Of late he’s been asking me to learn how to cook nasi dagang, one of his many favourite foods. I’m not a fan of nasi dagang, hence I’m not so keen on this one. I find the nasi too hard and the curry too bland for my taste – ikan tongkol? pleaseeee... Sorry sayang, can I pass on this one?

I say makan-makan is a universal activity that keeps friends and family together. When you eat, you chat and you’ll be merry...I super loikee this!!!

Paparazzi in da house

I am so amazed to see how my husband gets super excited about his brand new hobby – photography. A hobby that I was supposed to take up, not him. I wanted to get myself a DSLR for quite a while after seeing so many friends into photography these days. I thought that it might be something that I could take up in my spare time, but I couldn’t be more wrong. Once I got hold of one (courtesy of my darling hubby) and seeing how complicated it could be, I ditched it almost immediately. Photography is definitely not my cup of tea. Moi is a very simple woman, collecting handbags suits me better...hihihi.

So…my hubby (supposedly) picked up the pieces and started indulging himself in photography. 2 months later, he is in love with it and has since changed his camera to a higher spec model *sigh...there goes my Gucci!*. This fella is now even dreaming to turn professional one day (God help our family!). He even started blogging to show off his photos in hope to make some money out of it too...I’m crossing my fingers hoping that it would be a reality too *grin*. Who knows may be it could finance my hobby one day...hehehe. Check out his photoblog

These days, he eats and sleeps photography. He even comes home early after work to perfect his photography skill. My house is now filled with magazines about photography (and mind you these imported mags are not cheap yah!); he invests in the accessories a hell lot (am I entitled to complain here?), carries his bulky equipment almost everywhere and my daughters and the nature are his full time models. Well, at least photography is a cheaper hobby than biking and less time consuming than fishing and golfing...I guess I should encourage him huh?

I say taking up a hobby may not be as good as people say it is, it could be damaging too. Expensive hobbies could drain your pockets, time consuming hobbies could take you away from your loved ones and dangerous hobbies could kill you. So take your pick. Me? I’ll stick to writing lah in this case...