It’s raining heavily outside, tones of works are waiting for me, clients are calling asking about the status of the jobs and I’m down with flu and fever for the second time after Raya (I can’t think when I’m sick, hence no work done yet since Raya). But I’m not complaining, instead I’m thankful, alhamdulillah. Moga terhapus dosa2 kecilku, aminnn.
I have a lot of things in mind but too little time to write, hence this entry will be short and sweet. I need to warm up my brain too before I start work again hehehe...
The recent TV3 Raya ad has caught my attention big time. I have a lot to say about that but I guess what I wanted to say has been said by others online. I feel that those responsible for approving such lousy ad should take full responsibility for their action. 1Malaysia is not about religion you dum***s, you should never ever mix religions together. I have been involved with TV commercial productions before and I know for a fact that it takes a big team to work on the project from the story board to final editing. What puzzled me was, weren't there anyone who was quick to say something about the improper and offensive concept that clearly won’t work? Don’t tell me that everyone in TV3 is blinded with the 1Malaysia concept so much that they can’t see that religion is a very serious and sensitive issue? Come on lar people!
Sadly, Islamophobia is on the rise around the world too. And the western media is doing their best to portray a very negative image of Islam. I feel so sad when fellow Muslims take what the western media is saying as the truth. I think we all are smart enough not to believe everything the media is saying (particularly when those behind them are out to tarnish Islam). The stoning of Soraya M for example, the Western media had a field day with this sensational story. I’m not saying that I agree with the stoning punishment, all I’m saying is the story has been sensationalized and manipulated to their benefit and to our detriment.
The murder of the local cosmetic millionaire also garnered our attention, so much so that the media is covering the news every single day. Even the story about her daughter going to the office for the first time since her death was aired on TV3 Prime News (do we really care?). It was like a plot in Hindi movie to say the least. If there is one thing I should learn from this saga is – money does not guarantee a good ending to your life. Your ibadah is the only guarantee, wallahuwa’lam. Also don’t ever befriend lawyers from a certain race...hahaha. Oops, am I being racist here?
Speaking of racism, I wonder why it is ok for people from other races to utter racist remarks, but it’s not acceptable when we the Malays did it? It’s so unfair isn’t it? But then again, the world is unfair and unkind. Live with it people. Suck it up!
Interestingly, so many ulamak are making their say about FB these days. There was even one circulated in FB that shows an Imam giving advice about FB in his Friday sermon, I loike! He said in a gist “FB adalah agenda Yahudi untuk menghalalkan maksiat.” I can’t agree more, it’s so so true. We all have seen it and done it, but try to deny it either consciously or otherwise. Nau’zubillah. There was one about dosa 24 jam on FB. I have since deleted all my pictures that show aurat (accept for one that I recently posted). Hubby has requested that I deleted that too *grin*. And I tell you that it wasn’t easy for me to click the delete button.
I say it takes a lot of courage and conviction to do good things ke jalan Allah but it’s so so easy to perform maksiat. May Allah show us the righteous way, insyaAllah.