Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chap ayam brand

I read an advertisement in The Star recently that says “Your skin is your brand.” I can’t remember the rest of the line but the tag line was too overwhelming for me to ignore. Wait a minute mister...if this was true then my brand is definitely the cap ayam one. The no class one you know...

This advertisement definitely adds to my (already) low self esteem over my severely damaged skin. The good news is after 2 sessions at New York Skin I could see some positive result...alhamdulillah. And of course, the beauty consultants tried their very best to push me to purchase other products that they say will speed up the recovery process - which of course would cost thousands of lemons (and as you’d expect it, monies that I don’t have, much less to spend). I feel that these people just simply don’t understand the phrase “I can’t afford it”. By the way, because of the severity of my skin condition, instead of every 10 days, I have to undergo treatment every 3 days instead.

I’ve also started taking tomato lycopene supplement to boost my skin recovery process. I am hoping and praying very hard to see dramatic result in the next 2 months, InsyaAllah. Otherwise, I may lose all hope at seeing my skin close to being flawless ever again *sob sob sob*.

Yesterday, my cap ayam eyes also had to be ‘repaired’ again. Looks like everything on me is chap ayam, none is top-rate brand except for my BRAIN...hahaha *perasan tahap dewa*. I suffer from a condition whereby I have excess calcium under my eyelids. But according to another doctor, it’s concretion of mucus. I seriously don’t know who to believe. But both think that the underlying problem is the lack of moisture in my eyes, and they both claimed that they have never seen such case during their entire career as eyes specialist - more specifically one is an opthamaltic surgeon and another is an opthamologist (fyi one of them is 70yrs old!) Camno tuh? My aunt once said jokingly that my dear husband is too good of a husband that I seldom cry. I need to cry more to cure my eyes...itu macam pun boleh ka?

All I know is once every 2 or 3 months, my eyes will start hurting because the calcium deposit (for the sake of writing this post, let’s call it as such) will start scratching my eyeballs. Imagine having tiny and sharp sands burried partially in your eyelids – that’s how painful it could be. It affects my eyesight as well, I've became super sensitive to light because the oil surface that protects my eyeballs has diminished significantly. Hence why you always see me wearing my dark shades. I wear them not just for the sake of gaya, but for health reasons too...please take note ok.

The only way to remove them is by manual extraction, i.e. using needles and cotton the picture? I say sudah nasib badan...*redha dan pasrah*

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