I need a short ‘vacation’ from my so-called ‘work’ (read: in desperate need to blog!).
Currently, I’m working my tail off to complete 2 writing jobs at a time. The first one was supposed to be completed long ago but due to client’s delay in feeding me with some information, my job is temporarily held back (totally NOT my fault ok!). The ebook on the other hand is in full gear. I was given until Raya to complete it. So far I’ve only been able to complete 2 chapters out of 7, even then I still have plenty of fine tuning to do...urghhhh (I can do it, I can do it, yakin boleh!).
Is it only me or puasa somehow decelerated our speed significantly (brought my momentum to a halt is more like it actually!)? Can I blame it on caffeine? I usually need coffee to perk me up and it’s now holding me captive - not being able to sip a cuppa in the morning shuts my brain down totally *sigh*. Sometimes I’d spend hours just staring at my notebook screen blankly. My brain seems to automatically switch itself to hibernate mode during day time for the past 7 days. Perhaps my brain wants to puasa from thinking too...ROTFL!
Thus, I have to resort to working at night. These days I started working after Terawikh prayers until about 3am. Some days I didn't sleep a wink till Subuh (percayalah). Because of this new routine my sleep pattern has totally gone hair wired. On normal days I’d go to bed at 3 or 4am *yawn*, woke up for sahur at 5.15am, perform subuh prayer and go back to sleep till noon (yup, I sleep till noon every day. My late grandma would nag me to death if she was still alive today *missing my Tok terribly*). Hmmmm...the things we do to cari makan eh?
Should I complete this job successfully; I would add another achievement in my resume - I have done a few brochures, a coffee table book, a website, lifestyle writing for magazines, newspaper advertisement and insyaAllah an ebook soon. I’m so darn proud of myself, yeay! Next, I hope to write a fiction (been saying this for years now teeheee)...yakin boleh!
I say doing thing you love is extremely fulfilling, it’s even more rewarding if you get paid doing it!
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