Sunday, February 27, 2011

I wanna be a millionaire so freakin’ bad!

A couple of weeks ago my son asked me soalan cepu emas - what would I do if I had RM1million. He really got me thinking because after that I realized that having 1million ringgit is actually not a big deal at all.

These days, a nice house costs millions of ringgit, a very nice car that I like so much cost RM650K (if I throw in insurance and road tax, it’ll be a lot more), a really nice handbag would cost tens of thousands of ringgit (and we’d love to have more than 10 right?), children’s education would be in the hundreds of thousands of ringgit each (and I have 4 of them but thank God so far none is interested in doing Medicine...phew! Ahkak tak mampu u’ols), even a decent meal for a family of 6 costs more than RM200.

In my own conclusion, 1million is not sufficient to last until the day we die unless you plan to live in a kampong and grow your own vegetable to eat.

Nevertheless, I hope to be a millionaire one day. And I promise to spend my money wisely. Note to hubby, please work very very hard and make me a millionaire.

I say, I wanna be a millionaire so freakin’ bad...


  1. Zura sapa tak mau jadi jutawannnn, I pun nak u hehe.

  2. Biha, betoi betoi betoi...jom kita pakat2 usaha. Tapi sapa jadi millionaire dulu jangan lupa kawan noo :-)
