Monday, February 23, 2009

Bibik oh bibik...

She's beginning to prefer her bibik over me...! How could this be? Sungguh ajaib. My 5mths old who is exclusively breastfed by none other than me, has started to prefer my maid. I'm completely and absolutely puzzled. Is it the way she carries her, is it her smell, what is it..!!!??

I'm sure a lot of mothers out there can relate on this issue. It is so heartbreaking to see your child chooses your maid over you. When I was still working not so long ago, my daughter loved my maid more than anyone and perhaps anything. She would run to my maid when she fell down, when she was hungry, sleepy and what-nots. She even picked up some bahasa indonesia, and can even sing an indonesian song! The boys luckily could already differentiate between a mother's love and the concept of having a maid in the house.

The problem with maids is they tend to manja the children to the max without considering the goods and bads of their actions. My maid used to manja my first daughter so much so that she was always carried when she was a baby. Believe it or not, Ariana didn't even crawl when she was a baby. Why? Because she was never put down to learn to crawl, despite numerous warning from yours truly.

I quit my job last year in hope that I could steal some of those love back. The good news is I did, alhamdulillah. Alas, whenever I scolded her for something, she'd run to my maid and bibik would come to her rescue. That still need some more work and patient. I'm glad however that in the last 1 year, I've spent more time with my daughter than in the last 3 years. The boys equally. No regret in quitting my job in this particular department.

I could only hope that Sophie for one, would not turn out that way...insya-Allah.

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