Sophia Amani bt. Fatzunnahar (aka Sophie) turned 1 year old according to Islamic calendar on Nuzul Quran - Monday, 17 Ramadhan 1430. It was on Nuzul Quran last year that I was wheeled into the OT for an emergency c-section because she went into breach position at the very last minute – my one-of-a-kind baby! She even surprised a seasoned OBGYN when she did that. No one had expected that a full term baby already engaged south bound towards the birth canal could turn head up. How did she do it? Only God knows. What I can tell you is her legs are really strong; she can kick pretty hard – a future sprinter or kick boxer perhaps.
My motherly intuition tells me that she is a one very bright baby (but then again all mothers think that their babies are bright, don’t we?). She could understand almost all instructions and very observant. Give her a shoe, she’d try to put it on (she loves her sister’s shoes the most), give her a hair clip, she’d try to clip it on her hair, give her a bottle of eye drop, she’d try to poke it into one’s eyes, give her an iphone, she’d play game with it! Her favourite game on iphone is TAP TAP. She could salam and kiss one’s hand before she even turned 1 year old. She would kiss people when instructed and she’d do it willingly to the people she loves the most (like moi lah). When her daddy is outstation, she’d point to my handphone and say PAPA. I think that’s her way of saying that she wants to talk to her daddy. Isn’t that cute?
Her favourite TV show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She’d stop playing when the cartoon is aired on channel 613. When she’s in the mood to watch TV, and the show is not what she wanted to watch, she’d take the remote control and try to change the channel herself. She loves Aboo, our pet cat; likes to ‘torture’ him by pinching and pulling his ears and tail. At night she’d sleep with her tiger cub soft toy that resembles Aboo. Oh, she’s been sleeping in between momma and papa since she turned 9 months old. Her crib is now collecting dust in my room.
When I think that she WILL be my last, there is a teensy weensy bit of me that kind of microscopically regret that. Having 1 or 2 more babies like her would be a joy to our life. But my body is too old to go through the cycle again…tulang sudah rapuh mak! Wouldn’t it be nice if human were like animals, we give birth and the baby would get up, walk and find his/ her own way to survive without much care from the parents. I wouldn’t mind having 10 babies like that.
On the same subject, did you know that our prophet Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. was raised by Halimatussa’adiah until he turned 2? Apparently, the wealthy Arabs would give their newborn babies to the Badwis and pay them to nurse and care for them until they turn 2 or 3 years old. Only then the children are taken home. My dear husband once said jokingly that he wished we still practice that today...
Sophie will turn 1 year old in just a matter of days. With that, I have passed the topmost crucial milestone of bringing up a child – the first 1 year. Another 2 years as a toddler, then freedom!! No more babies in da house until it’s time to jaga my cucu...muahahaha.
I wonder how my mom survived having 6 children without a maid. I don’t think that I have the passion or the energy to have more than 4 (or have more than 1 without a maid). I salute you mak.
On a slightly related subject, I say we are too dependent on foreign maids that without them our lives will be difficult, especially for working moms (even a full time mom like me can’t live without them these days. I am too pampered to house chores on my own :D). Hence, I say YES to maids!!! Having a maid could even improve your love live as you get to spend more quality time with your hubby and most importantly you quarrel less (because you’re not so tired after doing the house chores). Your kids get more attention too because you have more free time. So YB Minister, please work it out with the Indonesian, Philippine and Cambodian government to ensure that we won’t be short of maids supply in the future. But I do think that the Indon’s demand for minimum wage of RM800 is totally ridiculous. That’s really over the top (although I am already paying my maid of 5 years RM750/month). Can’t live with them, can’t live without them *sigh*!
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