Friday, June 26, 2009

Greatest source of inspiration

It's official…after 9 months Sophie has ditched her crib. She has settled for a more comfortable and bigger bed; and thus become a permanent bed-mate to hubby and I (sigh). This does make a certain activity a little harder than it already is. But what to do, life must go on…

She is going through a major teething phase. Her gum is swollen so badly (I could see 4 teeth coming out at once) that she bites everything she could grab. So I forgive her for wanting to sleep with me for some comfort at night.

This one-of-a-kind baby has survived against all odds since the day she was conceived. I have not mentioned this in my earlier post that merely 3 weeks after she was conceived, a cyst (that I didn’t even know I had nor did I know that I was pregnant) has ruptured in my ovary. Oh you can’t imagine the pain I had (but of course it wasn’t as painful as labour pain). During examination it was also found out that I was pregnant but doctor feared that I may have lost the fetus because of the ruptured cyst. But guess what, she survived! She’s a fighter from day 1.

She is also different in every sense from my other kids. She could still turn into breech position on the day she was supposed to be delivered, hence the emergency c-section. At 9 months, she could climb her high chair and stand up on her feet; none of my elder children has done that before. She prefers adult food than food specially made for her. And she seems to like boys more. When she sees boys (of any age), she gets excited. Not a very good sign eh?

You know what, I could go on and on and on when I write about my kids. I have such great joy writing and telling stories about them to the world. They are my source of inspiration that keeps me writing like an energizer bunny. Sometime I wish that I could post more pictures, unfortunately, I don’t have that ‘canggih’ camera like the one my friend owns (you know who you are!). So I have to settle with words instead.

My partner in crime and my faithful shopping companion has ditched me! Of late, Ariana has been refusing to accompany me whenever I go out to the mall, do groceries and run errant. I feel like I’ve been dumped by my own daughter *sob* *sob*. She only wants to tag along if I’m willing to take Sophie along too. Needless to say, shopping is not as fun like it was before (which is good news for hubby).

My second son has been persistently asking me to update my blog every day. He said reading my blog is such a joy to him and much better than reading magazines and books (even better than his favourite Mr. Midnight series he said). When I explained that I don’t have the time to write between cooking, sending them to school and taking care of Sophie, he suggested that I stop cooking altogether and spend all the time to write instead. Hmmm….this shows that he loves my writing more than my cooking! That doesn’t reflect very well on my cooking talent (if what little knowledge I have could even be classified as talent lah), isn’t it?

Well, in my defense (of my not-so-impressive cooking ‘talent’), I guess he loves reading the articles because they are closer to his heart. He reads about his life and things he is familiar with instead of about other people’s stories in totally different circumstances. It does make me feel good though, at least this blog has served its purpose - entertaining a small audience.

I say sometimes word speaks better than action, but picture definitely speaks a thousand words...


  1. Zura, does she ditch her crib alltogether? Or just some part of the night? My daughter would sleep walk to our room at some part of the night. Rather than sending her back to her bed (like any good mother) I let her snuggle w me, unless she gets too wild and starts kicking hubby, then I snuggle w her on her bed, which mean I am ditching my own bed. Hehe.

    Just snap those pics. Any old model is good enuf for screen I think and if you take so many photos who knows maybe certain someone will just buy you the DSLR camera. (wink)(wink)

  2. Yes Mid, she ditched it altogether. If I put her in her crib, within minutes she'll wake up and cry. Lepas tu buat muka kesian sambil berdiri crying while looking at me. Put her on my bed, she'll be sound asleep till her feeding time. I guess we are not 'tough' enough to turn our children away huh?

    That someone dah awal2 said he won't get me one. Waste of money he said. The truth is I'd rather get a new handbag than a new camera lah hehe.
