Saturday, June 27, 2009

When the world comes together

It takes a great icon to bring people around the world together for a single cause. Princess Diana and the Twin Towers had done it. And yesterday it was the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. The world is mourning his sudden demise.

What amuses me is the fact that a death of a Pop star takes so much interest amongst the people that 90% of status updates in Facebook yesterday were about his passing. CNN and BBC were running updates on his death almost non-stop with coverage from all over the world taking center stage to even President Obama's meeting with his German counterpart and the conflict in Iran. News about his death still floods the media today. People are saying nothing but praises about him.

That got me to thinking, why is that only after someone had died that people starts to remember his good when he was otherwise taken for granted? He was almost forgotten in the last decade or so except for his court cases, his financial trouble and his extreme and bizarre transformation. Suddenly after his death, we are singing praises about him. I guess we will remember people for their good than their bad, which is a noble thing to do. I hope when my time comes, I will be remembered for all the good things I did and for what little mark I left in this world especially in my children's lifes; not the nasty stuffs (not that I’ve done any huhuhu).

In the news today, it was reported that all his records were sold out in Malaysia, even those when he was still performing with his brothers as Jackson 5, amazing huh?

He is said to have died a Muslim. If he really did, being a Muslim myself I feel happy for him, Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless his soul in barakah. Al fatihah.


  1. Dear Zura,

    Bak kata pepatah, harimau mati tinggalkan belang. Manusia mati meninggalkan nama. Michael Jackson pun tak terkecuali, coz he was a legend. His music managed to unite millions of people. We grew up with his music. Seperti juga Arwahyarham Sudirman, walaupun sudah tiada, mereka tetap subur di sanubari.

    Moga mereka pergi dalam iman yang jitu terhadap Allah Azzawajalla.

  2. He is indeed a legend and one-of-a-kind! There could never be another King of Pop like him, ever...
