Thursday, June 18, 2009

A year and going stronger?

My little baby Sophie turned 9 months yesterday. This month also marks the first anniversary of me being a full time mom. I quit my full time job to be a (temporary) full time mom in June last year. Wow…time flies really fast. It’s been a year already! I hope to go back to work in 2010. I have another 6 months to put my feet up before I put on my power suit again and join the ‘dead people walking’ regiment next year…huhuhu. I’ll get back to this point later.

My little ray of sunshine was born on Nuzul Quran last year. She has plenty of nicknames; amongst them are Chopie Lopie, Chopie Doppie, Epie, Effie, Pea, Pea Pod (as in Pea-in-a-pod) and Choppie Chop. But I always insist that she is called Sophie (although I myself call her Pea most of the time).

Baby Sophie can now sit on her own unsupported and stand up with support. The minute she woke up in the morning she would find her way to stand on her two little feet. We have adjusted her crib to the lowest position and raised the side bar to prevent accidents. 13 years ago we had a little accident when Daniel fell off his crib when the crib bar was lowered down. It was his first attempt to stand on his own and he fell off the crib after he successfully did so. After that incident, I’ve became paranoid each time I leave my kids in the crib alone.

She could wave good bye too (with two hands though) and her appetite has increased significantly. She takes more solid food these days and depends less on my breast milk for nutrition. She still refuses to take formula in a bottle plus I don’t have a heart to stop breast feeding her either. Hence, I didn’t try hard enough. In fact, each time I stopped breast feeding each of my kids I cried like a mad woman. I always felt like I was losing the special bond we shared, the way God intended. I breast fed Daniel for only 4 months (and I regret it very much), Harris for 10 months and Ariana for a whopping 22 months.

At 9 months, she still wakes up at least twice at night for feeding. And yes, I am still pretty much a zombie. She has developed a new habit lately, she prefers to sleep with me and my husband in our bed. This whole sleep-with-mama-and-papa phase started when we were travelling in the last couple of weeks. She has been sleeping in our bed for more than a week when we were in Kedah, Penang and Pahang. But I try not to get her used to the idea. I need my space and my bed!

Each of my first 3 kids slept (mostly) with me and hubby in our bed when they were babies up untill they turned approximately 1.5 years old, even though they have their own crib. The crib was reduced to an accessory in my room. But for this little baby, I was determined not to allow her to be a huge and effective contraceptive method for us. I have succeeded so far but of late she is beginning to dislike sleeping in her crib perhaps because she has gotten use to the idea of sleeping in a bigger and more comfortable bed, not to mention next to mama and papa. I hope this is just a short phase.

Now back to my point about going back to work next year. A friend recently asked through FB (isn’t it the greatest invention ever?) how it was like being a full time mom. In all honestly told her that I enjoyed it at first but now I am starting to lose my mind already. I credit FB and blogging for keeping me sane all this while. Perhaps I need to channel my boredom into something more fruitful like looking for more freelance jobs and taking up more extracurricular activities. But then again, frankly, I am just too lazy to make the extra effort. That’s what being at home for too long can do to you. You become lazy to start something new and get out of the comfort zone.

I wonder how other moms in my shoes feel. Do they feel and experience the same withdrawal syndrome or it is just me?

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