Monday, October 12, 2009

Quest for flawless complexion (Help, my skin is behaving like a teenager's!)

I just came back from a neighbour’s house for Raya lunch and my brain is totally not back in its working mode yet – it’s still celebrating Raya. Since morning, I’ve been trying to write a few articles, all to no avail. I can’t event complete a paragraph (sigh). That’s the problem when you work as a writer. You need aspirations to write. A slight distraction could make your mind go astray and you are stuck with no end or even a beginning. Hence, I decided to write in this space instead. I have plenty of aspirations to write here. Who knows, it may even help ‘warm up’ my brain too...

During the many gatherings and open houses, I’ve met many friends and family and there is one thing that really caught my attention BIG time - their complexions are tip top (versus mine that’s getting worse by day). This is frankly making me feel a little bit inferior. I feel like a construction worker (or a cleaner dan professions yang sewaktu dengannya!)

Pigmentation being my main problem (despite 2 types of products of 2 different brands used), my face is now being attacked by blackhead and pimples….urghhhh! Having itchy hands doesn’t help either - I keep squeezing the blackhead and pimples with my fingers (I can’t help it, I love doing it. My husband is my usual victim and my eldest son is now my latest victim...muahaha). As a result, I am now left with scars too!

Just now my neigbours were joking about my pimples. They said that I should be happy to have pimple, they are too old to have it! Uwahhhhhh....

So, after years of neglect, I have decided to start doing something about my complexion rather than just wait and hope for a miracle to happen. I actually started taking some action just before Raya. I had a looooong overdue facial just 2 days before we head back to my in-laws for Raya holiday - my first facial in 19 months, the 3rd facial I’ve ever had in my entire lifetime (it’s kinda hard to believe isn’t it?).

I went to Aster Spring which I happened to see when I was shopping for Raya. I’ve had 2 facials since then (the 2nd one was a FREE facial, or so they say lah padahal depa dah charge with the first facial). It cost me RM198, and I purchased their products as well – Dermalogica (I know...I fell in their traps). They recommended so many different products to use that it confused me at first. The consultant had to write a ‘prescription’ to tell me what to use when. I’ve been using it for 2 weeks now but honestly, I’ve yet to see any improvement. But then again, it may be too early to tell.

After meeting so many friends with flawless complexion over the Raya weekends, I am actually contemplating taking a more drastic measure like going for skin treatment. I’ve heard of New York Skin and Dr. Murad. But me being a skeptic, I have serious doubts. I don’t wanna spend so much money which may not yield results at the end of the day. Plus, with very little moolah to spend, I need to be assured of the result. Do they (the treatments) actually work?

Or could someone out there please produce a miracle cream to solve my problem pleaseeeee? Urghhhhh...


  1. "I can’t help it, I love doing it. ...."
    Allow me to digress..I have an obsession with cabut uban. When a kid, my late pak was the victim, now you can find me struggling infront of the mirror...often!!!

    Azura, I bet many people are envious of your pre-puberty slimness too...

    kak arap

  2. Zura, at this age you are recommended to do facial once a month. It's not just to pamper yourself but also as stress relieve method. My beautician is at Setapak Garden, though very far for me but I still visit her coz she knows what's best for my skin. You ought to go to one center / beautician in order to see the results. I suggest to stick to Aster Spring first....

  3. for me, must work for u too
