I attended my hubby’s company annual dinner at Marriot Putrajaya for the first in history last night. As a former PR practitioner, I had a shock of my life to attend an event lacking in protocol in such a big way. First, I was shocked with the MC’s very powderfull England - she kept saying “please crap your hand...It’s my pressure...” throughout the whole event with the GM, VP and regional mat salleh bosses in attendance. Never had I felt so embarrassed to be a Malaysian – trust me on this one, you would be too if you were there last night.
I’m not saying that I speak perfect English (I’m far from even being a good English speaker, much less fluent) but to qualify as an MC for an event, one need to speak at least decent English and able to pronounce the words properly. If you didn’t know the language well, get someone to write a script for you...haiyoo like that one lah ah moy. Half of the time, I didn’t understand what she was saying – and mind you this lady is a Technical Manager of a multinational company!
Next I was shocked at their seating arrangement. I’m not trying to boast my hubby’s position in the company, but by rank he is quite high in the corporate hierarchy. He is not just a regional fella, but he is responsible for global business strategy, for crying out loud! But you know what, because he is an ASIAN he was not seated at the main table. Instead, those mat salleh who are lower ranking than him in the organisation was seated at the main table. Tak puas hati, tak puas hati...acik gerammmmm nih! I always say to my husband that he is being bullied by his mat salleh bosses all these years. A big promotion (which translates to double the workload) with no increment...it doesn’t make sense at all isn’t it? I say this is colonisation at its best.
There were plenty more protocol breach that I witnessed last night which would give any PR practitioners a heart attack. My mind was working overtime last night pointing out what and how they should do differently to myself. Perhaps it's about time for me to go back to work for real huh? Red Mini Cooper...red Mini Cooper...must write a resume...must write a resume...
Speaking of resume, another week has passed yet I still haven’t updated a single word in my resume. Could someone please spank me hard pleaseeee!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
When your child needs more attention
What would you do when you learned that your child needs more attention at school? I personally don’t know how to react to that. I am especially bad at taking bad news. I panic and if possible I wanna live in denial for as long as I could...
My first 2 brood are boys. They perform well academically and never ever give any problems whatsoever at school. Each and every time I met their teachers I would hear nothing but good news about them from play school to kindergarten until now. Never had I imagined that my first born girl would be of the complete opposite.
Is it just the gender difference or does she has serious learning difficulty? My girl will turn 6 in September but she can’t read yet although she’s very good at numbers. I had a conversation with a fellow mom a few months back and we exchanged info on how little girls lack focus at school compared to boys. They like to day dream more (really? I remember my chilhood differently though, perhaps I was 1 in a million ngeeee). Prior to turning 5, my girl’s only dream was to become a princess. Being a princess was her ultimate dream, heck she even said that she wanted to attend princess school to learn to be one. Thank God that these days, she’s not into this princess business anymore...pheww.
Other than that she is just another 5year old girl. She doesn’t show any signs of learning disability at all. Ariana is a very active, alert and talkative little girl. One look at her, she could be mistaken for a year 1 or 2 girl - tall for her age and she speaks confidently like a big girl. Very pretty too I might add (just like her momma...please don’t hate me because I’m beautiful ngeh ngeh ngeh).
Or is it a case of another middle child syndrome - seeking attention the negative way? It’s not totally impossible I’d say. Having more than 2 children is far more complicated than people think it is. I wonder how is it like in a family of 10 children...I for one think I’d die of heart attack or hypertension! Being short-tempered like I am, I definitely won’t die of old age if I had 10 kids...seriously!
She’ll enter primary school next year. The one and only primary school in our neighbourhood has an average of 9 classes for every academic year and each class has an average of 40 students. For a student like my daughter who needs more attention from the teacher, I know for a fact that my daughter will have a huge problem coping in class. How on earth is the teacher going to give attention to those who need it the most when she has 40 young students under her care? I worry for my daughter, big time!
My hubby and I spoke about sending her to a private school. This is actually another reason why I need to go back to work this year. Private education is certainly NOT cheap. You have to pay premium price to get the best for your child. But at least I could have my peace of mind knowing that she wouldn’t have to fight with 39 other students for attention from her teacher.
Speaking of work, another week has passed but I have yet to update my resume *sigh*. I suffer from a condition called malas terlampau...muahaha. I am gonna say this again, it takes more than just a designer handbag and private education for your kid to get you going. Perhaps I should add a red Mini Cooper in the list too *wink wink wink*
My first 2 brood are boys. They perform well academically and never ever give any problems whatsoever at school. Each and every time I met their teachers I would hear nothing but good news about them from play school to kindergarten until now. Never had I imagined that my first born girl would be of the complete opposite.
Is it just the gender difference or does she has serious learning difficulty? My girl will turn 6 in September but she can’t read yet although she’s very good at numbers. I had a conversation with a fellow mom a few months back and we exchanged info on how little girls lack focus at school compared to boys. They like to day dream more (really? I remember my chilhood differently though, perhaps I was 1 in a million ngeeee). Prior to turning 5, my girl’s only dream was to become a princess. Being a princess was her ultimate dream, heck she even said that she wanted to attend princess school to learn to be one. Thank God that these days, she’s not into this princess business anymore...pheww.
Other than that she is just another 5year old girl. She doesn’t show any signs of learning disability at all. Ariana is a very active, alert and talkative little girl. One look at her, she could be mistaken for a year 1 or 2 girl - tall for her age and she speaks confidently like a big girl. Very pretty too I might add (just like her momma...please don’t hate me because I’m beautiful ngeh ngeh ngeh).
Or is it a case of another middle child syndrome - seeking attention the negative way? It’s not totally impossible I’d say. Having more than 2 children is far more complicated than people think it is. I wonder how is it like in a family of 10 children...I for one think I’d die of heart attack or hypertension! Being short-tempered like I am, I definitely won’t die of old age if I had 10 kids...seriously!
She’ll enter primary school next year. The one and only primary school in our neighbourhood has an average of 9 classes for every academic year and each class has an average of 40 students. For a student like my daughter who needs more attention from the teacher, I know for a fact that my daughter will have a huge problem coping in class. How on earth is the teacher going to give attention to those who need it the most when she has 40 young students under her care? I worry for my daughter, big time!
My hubby and I spoke about sending her to a private school. This is actually another reason why I need to go back to work this year. Private education is certainly NOT cheap. You have to pay premium price to get the best for your child. But at least I could have my peace of mind knowing that she wouldn’t have to fight with 39 other students for attention from her teacher.
Speaking of work, another week has passed but I have yet to update my resume *sigh*. I suffer from a condition called malas terlampau...muahaha. I am gonna say this again, it takes more than just a designer handbag and private education for your kid to get you going. Perhaps I should add a red Mini Cooper in the list too *wink wink wink*
Monday, January 18, 2010
Resume, oh resume. Where art thou...
As I’ve promised my dear husband, I shall dedicate this week to writing a brand new resume. But the truth is...I’m so darn lazy to start. At this point of time, I’m still trying to find an old copy of my resume. Without it, it’d be almost impossible for me to recall what I’ve done career-wise in the past 14 years in detail. My brain may not be as sharp as it was 10 years ago you know...all thanks to breastfeeding my 4 kids (breastfeeding can make you become forgetful you see...muahaha). Gosh...14 years??!!!
I’ve been dilly dally-ing this task for over a couple of weeks already. I want to go back to work, but the other hand, I’m way wayyy too lazy to start all over again. I think I just need some spanking to get me in the mood again lah. The thought of having to go through the same routine every day, braving the traffic jam, late hours at the office, deadlines, a new & unfamiliar boss...is killing me softly *sigh*.
I’m gonna take my time nonetheless. There is absolutely no need to press the panic button yet. I’m going slow and steady this time. My goal is to secure a high paying job. Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai kepangkal lengan...I’m aiming high this time. I won’t settle for peanut salary anymore. I’ve learned what I needed to learn in the past and I believe I bring with me great value to any organizations(self advertising gittew!! boleh?) Must write a resume...must write a resume *repeating this in my head right now*.
On a totally different subject, while penning this article I’m also browsing some websites (macam interframe-lah gittew) checking out designer handbags leisurely. I’m drooling at some pweeeeeety Guccis. And drooling shall I be until I get that high paying job...must write a resume...must write a resume...
I say it's difficult to get out of your comfort zone once you found your safe haven. It takes more than just a designer handbag to get you going...
I’ve been dilly dally-ing this task for over a couple of weeks already. I want to go back to work, but the other hand, I’m way wayyy too lazy to start all over again. I think I just need some spanking to get me in the mood again lah. The thought of having to go through the same routine every day, braving the traffic jam, late hours at the office, deadlines, a new & unfamiliar boss...is killing me softly *sigh*.
I’m gonna take my time nonetheless. There is absolutely no need to press the panic button yet. I’m going slow and steady this time. My goal is to secure a high paying job. Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai kepangkal lengan...I’m aiming high this time. I won’t settle for peanut salary anymore. I’ve learned what I needed to learn in the past and I believe I bring with me great value to any organizations(self advertising gittew!! boleh?) Must write a resume...must write a resume *repeating this in my head right now*.
On a totally different subject, while penning this article I’m also browsing some websites (macam interframe-lah gittew) checking out designer handbags leisurely. I’m drooling at some pweeeeeety Guccis. And drooling shall I be until I get that high paying job...must write a resume...must write a resume...
I say it's difficult to get out of your comfort zone once you found your safe haven. It takes more than just a designer handbag to get you going...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Patient is my virtue
I am so tempted to write about the ongoing spat on the use of the word Allah in The Herald & the Malay bible. I choose to reserve my comments as much as possible. But I just have 1 thing to say. The real issue here is that they’ve translated the word “God” as “Allah”. As a malay-speaking Malay, I am competent enough to point out that they have translated it completely wrong. “God” in bahasa malaysia is “Tuhan” not “Allah”. Allah is an Arabic word, for crying out loud! So they are actually using the word in question in a completely wrong context – i.e. referring their God as Allah in the malay bible. They should use the word “Tuhan” instead. That’s all I am gonna say. I am not taking sides here but merely pointing out the truth. Go ahead and google it for more info.
Ok I lied, just a little bit more comment...I think everyone should know that religion is always a sensitive issue. So, why cuba menangkuk di air keruh? What's exactly going on here? Is this part of some conspiracy by the Americans??? Let's blame it on them, boleh? Hehehe...
For the record, I DO NOT condone any act of violent whatsoever. Islam is a religion of PEACE not violence. I say those arsonists, whoever they may be, should be put away for life!
Ok now back to my boring life, I’ve been keeping myself busy with a writing job that doesn’t seem to end. I’ve started the project in September and they keep coming back with more and more additions till now. I’ve never done so much copywriting for 1 project in my life. I vow not to take any more jobs after this - moi needs to focus on getting a full time job lah pulak (and spend as much time possible with my kids before yours truly becomes ‘halftime’ momma again). But heck, I don’t even have a resume yet! I have a gun without any bullets...help!!! [note to male readers, if anylah: pls. don’t take this in a different context ok]
Next issue, the progress of my deteriorating skin condition. Moi being very kiasu, is trying so many different things now. The latest being habbatussaada oil courtesy of my sister who bought it in Mekah. So far, I’ve taken tomato lycopene supplement, resdung medication (just in case my skin and eyes problems are caused by resdung. I’ve been sneezing a lot too lately especially in the early morning and at night) and Turnaround cream by Clinique (my fav cream). Hopefullyt all these ‘rojak’ treatment won’t make it worse...na'uzubillah.
You know what, during my last visit to New York Skin, they have proposed (yet again! These people are so darn persistent!) to me a package that they claim could guarantee my skin free of pigmentation in 10 months. Wanna know how much is the cost (which has to be paid in advance of course)? Hold your breath...RM15,800!!! I almost fell off my chair when they quoted me the cost. Gila ke apa? Even if I have that kind of money, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to pay for the treatment IN ADVANCE. I wouldn’t know what would happen to me in the next 10 months. I could die tomorrow la weyy. And what if it didn’t work? No refund here people! If not because I have paid for my 10 treatment sessions, I’d have stopped going there. I don’t like being pestered into buying stuff every time I go there. I give them 2 thumbs up for harassing their existing clients to spend more. For that reason, they will lose one soon.
Of late, I can’t stop thinking about handbags. I don’t know why but I only have handbags in my mind. I eat, drink and sleep handbags. I want a new handbag so badly. Some of you may say just go ahead and buy one lar...but it’s not that easy for me. Being a very sensible and rational wife (why do I have to be one again?) I have to think very very veeeery hard indeed before I charge the card. I’ll wait till the time is right. I say patient is my virtue...hehehe iyolah tu.
Ok I lied, just a little bit more comment...I think everyone should know that religion is always a sensitive issue. So, why cuba menangkuk di air keruh? What's exactly going on here? Is this part of some conspiracy by the Americans??? Let's blame it on them, boleh? Hehehe...
For the record, I DO NOT condone any act of violent whatsoever. Islam is a religion of PEACE not violence. I say those arsonists, whoever they may be, should be put away for life!
Ok now back to my boring life, I’ve been keeping myself busy with a writing job that doesn’t seem to end. I’ve started the project in September and they keep coming back with more and more additions till now. I’ve never done so much copywriting for 1 project in my life. I vow not to take any more jobs after this - moi needs to focus on getting a full time job lah pulak (and spend as much time possible with my kids before yours truly becomes ‘halftime’ momma again). But heck, I don’t even have a resume yet! I have a gun without any bullets...help!!! [note to male readers, if anylah: pls. don’t take this in a different context ok]
Next issue, the progress of my deteriorating skin condition. Moi being very kiasu, is trying so many different things now. The latest being habbatussaada oil courtesy of my sister who bought it in Mekah. So far, I’ve taken tomato lycopene supplement, resdung medication (just in case my skin and eyes problems are caused by resdung. I’ve been sneezing a lot too lately especially in the early morning and at night) and Turnaround cream by Clinique (my fav cream). Hopefullyt all these ‘rojak’ treatment won’t make it worse...na'uzubillah.
You know what, during my last visit to New York Skin, they have proposed (yet again! These people are so darn persistent!) to me a package that they claim could guarantee my skin free of pigmentation in 10 months. Wanna know how much is the cost (which has to be paid in advance of course)? Hold your breath...RM15,800!!! I almost fell off my chair when they quoted me the cost. Gila ke apa? Even if I have that kind of money, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to pay for the treatment IN ADVANCE. I wouldn’t know what would happen to me in the next 10 months. I could die tomorrow la weyy. And what if it didn’t work? No refund here people! If not because I have paid for my 10 treatment sessions, I’d have stopped going there. I don’t like being pestered into buying stuff every time I go there. I give them 2 thumbs up for harassing their existing clients to spend more. For that reason, they will lose one soon.
Of late, I can’t stop thinking about handbags. I don’t know why but I only have handbags in my mind. I eat, drink and sleep handbags. I want a new handbag so badly. Some of you may say just go ahead and buy one lar...but it’s not that easy for me. Being a very sensible and rational wife (why do I have to be one again?) I have to think very very veeeery hard indeed before I charge the card. I’ll wait till the time is right. I say patient is my virtue...hehehe iyolah tu.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus (part 2)
Let’s see, what shall I write about today...hmmm. The missing fighter jet engines? The use of the word Allah? Naaaa...I don’t wanna use this blog as an avenue to spread grapevine and accusation blatantly.
“Wahai orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang yang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada kaum dengan sebab kejahilan kamu sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu lakukan.” (al-Hujuraat:6) Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, peliharalah hamba-Mu ini dari penyakit hasad dengki dan fitnah...amin.
Hence, I’ll stick to what I do best - write about non-masalah negara issues, boleh?
Yesterday, I read an article in the Star that says “There is more pressure on women to look good in comparison to men, says a psychologist.” Wait a minute mister, I don’t need a psychologist to tell me this, it’s a known fact lah macha! Women always want to look their best. It comes naturally.
Have you ever thought why men (your beloved significant other in particular) never ever (or to be nice to them, SELDOM) want to take the initiative to look good for women (i.e. we the wives), while we would go to the extreme to look good for them? [Note: this rule doesn’t apply to dating and wooing period]. I say this phenomenon occurred because they feel too comfortable in their skin and they often take us for GRANTED. As they like to say it “tak apa, dah kawin...” Their desire to look good and appealing seems to end once they found the love of their lives.
I beg to disagree on this unbecoming principal. That shouldn’t be the case. I believe we should continue to take the effort to look good for each other forever and ever to infinity and beyond by taking that one extra step, no matter how hard it seems. Would I love him less if he gained 20 more kg? NO! But I sure would love to hug that 6 packs and V shape body again before I die *muahaha...I’m laughing in my head right now*
I say, men wake up! You could make it happen. Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih. Anda mampu merubahnya!!!
“Wahai orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang yang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada kaum dengan sebab kejahilan kamu sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu lakukan.” (al-Hujuraat:6) Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, peliharalah hamba-Mu ini dari penyakit hasad dengki dan fitnah...amin.
Hence, I’ll stick to what I do best - write about non-masalah negara issues, boleh?
Yesterday, I read an article in the Star that says “There is more pressure on women to look good in comparison to men, says a psychologist.” Wait a minute mister, I don’t need a psychologist to tell me this, it’s a known fact lah macha! Women always want to look their best. It comes naturally.
Have you ever thought why men (your beloved significant other in particular) never ever (or to be nice to them, SELDOM) want to take the initiative to look good for women (i.e. we the wives), while we would go to the extreme to look good for them? [Note: this rule doesn’t apply to dating and wooing period]. I say this phenomenon occurred because they feel too comfortable in their skin and they often take us for GRANTED. As they like to say it “tak apa, dah kawin...” Their desire to look good and appealing seems to end once they found the love of their lives.
I beg to disagree on this unbecoming principal. That shouldn’t be the case. I believe we should continue to take the effort to look good for each other forever and ever to infinity and beyond by taking that one extra step, no matter how hard it seems. Would I love him less if he gained 20 more kg? NO! But I sure would love to hug that 6 packs and V shape body again before I die *muahaha...I’m laughing in my head right now*
I say, men wake up! You could make it happen. Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih. Anda mampu merubahnya!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
An angel and a rascal all in one
I just feel like writing about my little girl Sophie - the little girl who turned me into a full time mom - who is not so much an angel anymore . Baby Sophia Amani has evolved into a hot tempered little toddler – much like her brother Kyle; a very demanding girl – like her sister Nana; and a picky eater – like the rest of the gang.
My little hot-tempered toddler. A trait she inherited from don't-know-who *wink*
She still sleeps in my bed every night (and conquers most of whatever space left between moi and my poor hubby). Cries her lungs out whenever I left her at home with my maid, demands for a ride in the car when dada comes home from work and wouldn’t leave me alone when I am at home. But best of all, of all my children, she is my only child that prefers me than my maid at her tender age...phewww thank God!
The pengacau antarabangsa with her equally hot tempered bro
At 15 months, she still has very limited vocabulary, she could only say mama (she pronounces it “meymey”), dada (she used to call my hubby “papa” but she has progressed to call him “dada” pulak), kakak, nak and tetek (this is her favorite word – when I point at my breast and ask her “what is this?”, she would answer “tetek” loud and clear. That's how much she loves them!).
Doing thing she loves the most, exploring the outdoor

She communicates mostly by sign language. She would nod or shake her head and point at an object or people correctly when we asked her questions. She is a duplicate of Kyle Harris in every way, I call them late talker but she understands every instructions. Oh, she’s a screamer too. She screams when she gets excited or upset about something. Every time she screams I feel like my eardrums were going to explode.
Doing one of her funny acts
Interestingly enough, she loves shoes so much. Whenever we passed a shop selling shoes, she would walk in there and check the shoes out. She love her sister’s shoes especially ones with heels. By the way, she wears her shoes in the house. She’s a shoe maniac at 15months! She loves everything new too. When I bought her new apparels, she would insist on putting it on pronto! I wonder where (or more specifically, who) she got this trait from...hmmmm.
Sophie having a blast with her sis's heels. She love 'em shoes.
I say sometime it amazes you to see how nature works its way around you. God works in mysterious way indeed, wallahuwa’lam...
My little hot-tempered toddler. A trait she inherited from don't-know-who *wink*
She still sleeps in my bed every night (and conquers most of whatever space left between moi and my poor hubby). Cries her lungs out whenever I left her at home with my maid, demands for a ride in the car when dada comes home from work and wouldn’t leave me alone when I am at home. But best of all, of all my children, she is my only child that prefers me than my maid at her tender age...phewww thank God!
The pengacau antarabangsa with her equally hot tempered bro
At 15 months, she still has very limited vocabulary, she could only say mama (she pronounces it “meymey”), dada (she used to call my hubby “papa” but she has progressed to call him “dada” pulak), kakak, nak and tetek (this is her favorite word – when I point at my breast and ask her “what is this?”, she would answer “tetek” loud and clear. That's how much she loves them!).
Doing thing she loves the most, exploring the outdoor
She communicates mostly by sign language. She would nod or shake her head and point at an object or people correctly when we asked her questions. She is a duplicate of Kyle Harris in every way, I call them late talker but she understands every instructions. Oh, she’s a screamer too. She screams when she gets excited or upset about something. Every time she screams I feel like my eardrums were going to explode.
Doing one of her funny acts
Interestingly enough, she loves shoes so much. Whenever we passed a shop selling shoes, she would walk in there and check the shoes out. She love her sister’s shoes especially ones with heels. By the way, she wears her shoes in the house. She’s a shoe maniac at 15months! She loves everything new too. When I bought her new apparels, she would insist on putting it on pronto! I wonder where (or more specifically, who) she got this trait from...hmmmm.
Sophie having a blast with her sis's heels. She love 'em shoes.
I say sometime it amazes you to see how nature works its way around you. God works in mysterious way indeed, wallahuwa’lam...
Monday, January 4, 2010
A baseball affair for Daniel’s 14th birthday
My eldest son Daniel, who is now way wayyyy bigger than moi, celebrated his 14th birthday on the last day of the year. Muhammad Daniel was born at 7.30pm, 31/12/95 at Home Hospital, Lafayette, Indiana after an 11-hour of grueling labour, 4.5 hours shy of New Year. I just turned 23 exactly 2 weeks before his birth. I was young and naïve and only had my equally young and naïve husband to nurse me during recovery. My mom was 8000 miles away. Having him was a passage to my womanhood, a test of my patient and a journey I cannot forget for the rest of my life.
The experience has changed and redefined me in every single way. It still amazes me till this very day how I managed to go through it on my own. Never ever underestimate your own strength and ability – you can achieve anything and everything that you put your mind into. Yes, we CAN!! Kita BOLEH!!
Anyway back to Daniel’s birthday celebration, we were at my mom’s on his birthday after we left Penang a few kgs heavier. The otherwise eventful day started on such a bad note with his most prized possession, PSP, got stolen the night before. The PSP was his well deserved present for scoring 5As in his UPSR. To pacify him, the only comfort that I could offer was by assuring him that things happen for a reason. Perhaps God wants him to focus on his PMR exams this year instead so the only thing that could keep him away from his studies was taken away for good. Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, wallahuwa’lam.
I did a very simple do for his birthday celebration. I bought a cake and a barrel of KFC – that was it. My poor baby was not in the mood to celebrate his birthday. But today, after we came back home, my hubby brought him to shop for his long-awaited birthday present. He’s been asking for an authentic baseball glove for quite a while hence we got him one with a ball too. Quite expensive for my budget but I wasn’t the one paying, so no complaint here.
Happy belated 14th birthday my son, my big baby Muhammad Daniel. Remember, things happen for a reason...God works in mysterious way. Momma loves you very much.
The experience has changed and redefined me in every single way. It still amazes me till this very day how I managed to go through it on my own. Never ever underestimate your own strength and ability – you can achieve anything and everything that you put your mind into. Yes, we CAN!! Kita BOLEH!!
Anyway back to Daniel’s birthday celebration, we were at my mom’s on his birthday after we left Penang a few kgs heavier. The otherwise eventful day started on such a bad note with his most prized possession, PSP, got stolen the night before. The PSP was his well deserved present for scoring 5As in his UPSR. To pacify him, the only comfort that I could offer was by assuring him that things happen for a reason. Perhaps God wants him to focus on his PMR exams this year instead so the only thing that could keep him away from his studies was taken away for good. Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, wallahuwa’lam.
I did a very simple do for his birthday celebration. I bought a cake and a barrel of KFC – that was it. My poor baby was not in the mood to celebrate his birthday. But today, after we came back home, my hubby brought him to shop for his long-awaited birthday present. He’s been asking for an authentic baseball glove for quite a while hence we got him one with a ball too. Quite expensive for my budget but I wasn’t the one paying, so no complaint here.
Happy belated 14th birthday my son, my big baby Muhammad Daniel. Remember, things happen for a reason...God works in mysterious way. Momma loves you very much.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
Another year has passed, a new beginning awaits...
My eldest son will be sitting for his PMR this year. This makcik is getting older lah *sigh*. So this year is kinda crucial for us, academic-wise. Another 2 years he will be sitting for his SPM. That would officially put me in the 'makcik' category.
Personally, my target is to land myself a job this year. Hopefully one that comes with a 5 figure income (wahaha....in my dream baby!). But I have yet to make the first step - write a new resume *double sigh*. Cakap tak serupa bikin you!
On a bigger picture, I want to be debt-free by year end. Hence, I need a job...wheeee!! Just when I started to enjoy my tai-taihood, I need to go back to work *triple sigh*. Truthfully, I am kinda contented with my status quo but what to do...life calls for sacrifices. I need to do something before my brain gets rusty.
Anyway, I say let's hope for the best for 2010...insyaAllah. Happy New Year everyone!
My eldest son will be sitting for his PMR this year. This makcik is getting older lah *sigh*. So this year is kinda crucial for us, academic-wise. Another 2 years he will be sitting for his SPM. That would officially put me in the 'makcik' category.
Personally, my target is to land myself a job this year. Hopefully one that comes with a 5 figure income (wahaha....in my dream baby!). But I have yet to make the first step - write a new resume *double sigh*. Cakap tak serupa bikin you!
On a bigger picture, I want to be debt-free by year end. Hence, I need a job...wheeee!! Just when I started to enjoy my tai-taihood, I need to go back to work *triple sigh*. Truthfully, I am kinda contented with my status quo but what to do...life calls for sacrifices. I need to do something before my brain gets rusty.
Anyway, I say let's hope for the best for 2010...insyaAllah. Happy New Year everyone!
On the road again
As strange as it sounds I am blogging during my family vacation. If you have been following my blog, you’d noticed that this is my 3rd visit to Penang this year. It seems like every school holiday in 2009, we come to Penang for vacation. We love Penang that much! Hahaha...the truth is Penang is the most convenient location for us – it’s on the way back to my beloved hometown Alor Setar.
Hence, for us it’s kinda like “sambil menyelam sambil minum air”. We get 2-in-1, a good vacation and balik kampong trip. This time we are spending 4D/3N here. On the 4th day, I’ve already gained 3kg (thanks to the faithful weighing machine in the hotel’s bathroom) – hard to believe but true indeed, a kilo a day. My tummy has ballooned like a 3-month pregnant woman. No joke!
Before we dwell into my incredible weight gain, let’s talk about the hidden fact about school holiday vacation – how it has become an obligation for us parents to take the kids for a vacation. Every school holiday the first thing my kids would ask me was “Momma, we are we going for a vacation?” And every school holiday, I have to crack my head to devise a vacation plan that fits our tiny budget and taking into consideration other constrains as well. It’s not easy to travel with 4 kids (1 of them a young toddler) and a maid. Everything becomes expensive when you have a party of 7.
If we didn’t take them somewhere, more specifically to a HOTEL (regardless of the location), they would put on their long face for the entire school holiday. To my kids vacation=staying at a hotel (I’m sure this rule applies to lots of other kids as well). Back when I was a kid, school holiday means sleepover at cousins’. The difference between me and my kids are like langit & bumi!
In conclusion, apart from our obligation to feed, provide a shelter and school them, we need to add 'vacation' as an additional duty to our kids. What a lucky bunch!
Now back to my weight gain, here are the contributing factors:
Day 1
- breakfast @R&R Rawang (I had nasi lemak)
- nasi campur @Taiping (during a brief stopover at Taiping Zoo on the way to Penang)
- mee ketam @Kuala Juru (the best mee I'be ever eaten)
- nasi kandar Beratur @Jln kapitan Kling (I had to beratur for exactly an hour for our turn. The name of the place really befits the act of having to queue for a loooong time for a plate of rice. I had this at 11pm. I usually don't eat past 9pm but being in Penang made me wanna eat 24/7)
Day 2
- breakfast @hotel (as usual I'd stuff myself silly at hotel breakfast - this really is a mystery for me. I am not a breakfast person but when it comes to hotel buffet breakfast, I'd eat till my stomach can't take it anymore)
- pasembor, sotong kangkung, chee chong fun, etc @Gurney Drive (yes, I ate all of these plus a bowl of cendul)
- McDonald's (I had prosperity burger and plenty of fries)
Day 3
- breakfast @hotel
- laksa Janggus @Kampung Perlis, Balik Pulau (I had 3 bowls of laksa and pisang goreng. This place is really a jewel)
- durian @Balik Pulau
- nasi Biryani & murtabak @Hameediyah (I had both. But I love their nasi biryani more. I can just eat the nasi without the condiments. It's the best nasi biryani ever!)
Day 4
- breakfast @hotel
- biryani @Hameediyah (again!)
I wanted to upload the pictures of the eateries, but the process is taking way to long *sigh*. Since I am not a very patient chick, no pix here my friends. I am currently at my mom's where the eating spree continues...God help me!
Hence, for us it’s kinda like “sambil menyelam sambil minum air”. We get 2-in-1, a good vacation and balik kampong trip. This time we are spending 4D/3N here. On the 4th day, I’ve already gained 3kg (thanks to the faithful weighing machine in the hotel’s bathroom) – hard to believe but true indeed, a kilo a day. My tummy has ballooned like a 3-month pregnant woman. No joke!
Before we dwell into my incredible weight gain, let’s talk about the hidden fact about school holiday vacation – how it has become an obligation for us parents to take the kids for a vacation. Every school holiday the first thing my kids would ask me was “Momma, we are we going for a vacation?” And every school holiday, I have to crack my head to devise a vacation plan that fits our tiny budget and taking into consideration other constrains as well. It’s not easy to travel with 4 kids (1 of them a young toddler) and a maid. Everything becomes expensive when you have a party of 7.
If we didn’t take them somewhere, more specifically to a HOTEL (regardless of the location), they would put on their long face for the entire school holiday. To my kids vacation=staying at a hotel (I’m sure this rule applies to lots of other kids as well). Back when I was a kid, school holiday means sleepover at cousins’. The difference between me and my kids are like langit & bumi!
In conclusion, apart from our obligation to feed, provide a shelter and school them, we need to add 'vacation' as an additional duty to our kids. What a lucky bunch!
Now back to my weight gain, here are the contributing factors:
Day 1
- breakfast @R&R Rawang (I had nasi lemak)
- nasi campur @Taiping (during a brief stopover at Taiping Zoo on the way to Penang)
- mee ketam @Kuala Juru (the best mee I'be ever eaten)
- nasi kandar Beratur @Jln kapitan Kling (I had to beratur for exactly an hour for our turn. The name of the place really befits the act of having to queue for a loooong time for a plate of rice. I had this at 11pm. I usually don't eat past 9pm but being in Penang made me wanna eat 24/7)
Day 2
- breakfast @hotel (as usual I'd stuff myself silly at hotel breakfast - this really is a mystery for me. I am not a breakfast person but when it comes to hotel buffet breakfast, I'd eat till my stomach can't take it anymore)
- pasembor, sotong kangkung, chee chong fun, etc @Gurney Drive (yes, I ate all of these plus a bowl of cendul)
- McDonald's (I had prosperity burger and plenty of fries)
Day 3
- breakfast @hotel
- laksa Janggus @Kampung Perlis, Balik Pulau (I had 3 bowls of laksa and pisang goreng. This place is really a jewel)
- durian @Balik Pulau
- nasi Biryani & murtabak @Hameediyah (I had both. But I love their nasi biryani more. I can just eat the nasi without the condiments. It's the best nasi biryani ever!)
Day 4
- breakfast @hotel
- biryani @Hameediyah (again!)
I wanted to upload the pictures of the eateries, but the process is taking way to long *sigh*. Since I am not a very patient chick, no pix here my friends. I am currently at my mom's where the eating spree continues...God help me!
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