Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back to what I do best

I am in the mood to write today. I just got a shocking comment for my earlier post about keeping facebook politic-free. This is the kind of comment that I hope NOT to attract in my blog (it's published in the comment column for you to read). I'd like to keep it G-rated as I have kids reading my blog. So from now on, I vow to keep my blog politic-free and stick to what I do best - write about my experience of being a mother of 4 on a break.

My little sweet Pea is growing so fast. Of late she's been refusing to take her solid food (the blended stuff that I usually prepare for her). So a couple of days ago, I tried feeding her chicken porridge that I made for Ariana. She loved it. Then I tried feeding her weetameal cracker, she loved it too. From that day, I came to a conclusion that she prefers to eat food that she could chew on. So now, she's on a diet of porridge mix with chicken or cod fish and either potato, carrot and corn - a different mix everyday and no longer blended. She can take water in a tippy cup too.

Yesterday, I could already see 4 teeth impression in her gum - 2 on top gum and 2 on bottom gum (is this how you describe teeth? I don't know). I can see that they're coming out pretty soon. Once they do, I'll surely have a hard time breastfeeding her...oh dear. Any breastfeeding mothers would know that when the baby is teething they tend to bite you...ouch!

These days, I like to take her for a stroll in the evening. At the same time, I can get a good 30 minutes of brisk walk. She likes to look around and observe the environment. But, normally, halfway through, she'll fall asleep in her stroller.

Speaking of stroller, when I was shopping for one last year, I had a shock of my life to find strollers that cost more than RM4,000!! What, RM4K for a stroller? I could buy a motorbike with that much money. These so-called designer strollers are said to be made in Italy and come with a host of features and can carry the weight of 2 kids, impressive hah? I settled for a Chicco stroller at a fraction of the cost. I don't think I can ever part with RM4K just for a baby stroller. I would for a handbag though...hehehe.

Anyway, I can now tie her hair into a bun on top. She looks so adorable and look less like a boy. At 6-month old, I could already see her developing her personality. I wrote earlier in 'Nature vs Nurture' that it's a wonder that every kid developed into their own unique personality even though they are nurtured in the same way. Sophie for one, is beginning to show that she is quite a tough baby to please. If she refused to be fed even though it's time for her feeding, she'll kick and turn until she'll fell off my lap. If she didn't want to go to sleep yet, she'll scream at me when I tried to make her sleep. If she didn't like what we feed her, she'll scream too. I think this one will be a strong-opinionated person - a lady of steel, the opposite of Ariana who is more lady like, prim and proper type.

It's always amazing to see your children growing. Daniel has developed a new crush for his classmate. A girl he called Q. This would be his second crush. I am really glad that he's sharing this with me. I would like to be an 'active participant' in his life for as long as I could. Although I do not support dating during school years, I am glad to offer tips so that he won't go overboard. His papa, on the other hand, is more than eager to share his own experience, which I beg to disagree.

Kyle Harris now claimed himself to be the king of tuna. His favourite food now is tuna. He eats tuna with everything and even tuna on it's own. He eats tuna everyday these days, no joke. He simply hates eating rice except if I cook a fish dish - a fish person, like daddy. He used to be a self profess king of bahulu. He has now passed the bahulu stage. He even said in his own words that he is no longer the king of baulu. He once ate 20 bahulu at one go. That's how much he used to love bahulu.

Ariana has started to compare what she has with her friends. The other day, she said she wanted a room like her friend's (a neighbour's daughter). I've never seen the room, so I don't know how it's like. She wants to go to Australia, Singapore and America for holidays. I don't know where she gets all these ideas from. Must be from friends at school.

Come to think of it, I think I was a lot more innocent when I was their age. I was still playing chase (I remember playing polis sentri, toi, aci ligan, masak-masak, zero point and what not) with boys until the age of 12, and I certainly didn't know that Australia, Singapore and America even existed when I was 5. I only knew Anuar and Elina's songs then. My kids now listen to music via youtube. Talk about generation gap huh.

Well, I guess we have to be in tune with our kids to keep abreast with their development these days. I say that's a one tough job to do.

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