Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy happy joy joy

Over the last couple of days I received two biggest compliments a mother could ever have.

1. I was proclaimed the smartest person in the house by my second son.
2. My first son’s friends think that I look too young to be his mother.

A young-looking mom with a brain - who wouldn’t be happy to be labeled as one, isn’t it? I am as happy as a mom could be. “Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy…” I’m singing this in my head right now.

After 4 kids, I guess I have become an expert in explaining stuffs to children in a manner that makes them understand. I kind of speak their language. Kyle Harris, who has hundreds of questions every day, is always satisfied with my answers to all his questions. For a kid whose favorite channels are Discovery and Discovery Science, you bet his questions are tough. I also remember when Daniel was 3 years old, he asked me why all tyres are black, why not colourful? Yesterday Kyle Harris asked me why is gold more valuable than silver. He also asked before, how does a microwave work, how does TV transmission work and so many other science-related questions. This my friends, is the type of questions I have to answer every single day.

My husband, on the other hand, can’t seem to explain things to his children satisfactorily, especially to the younger ones. He tends to answer them the way he explains it to adult. Big mistake. When you speak to children, you have to speak their language and follow their line of thought. He communicates better with Daniel though, especially when it comes to football. It always amazes me to watch the two of them discuss football. When it comes to shared passion, they’re like in a different world altogether.

One of the advantages of being with the kids 24/7 is you get to learn their behaviour better. I used to take this for granted when I was working full time. I could now see how they behave around each other and how they progress every day. I can control them better too. Life is great.

On the young-looking part, I guess I am too young to be his mother anyway. As far as I know friends of my age don’t have kids Daniel’s age. When Daniel was in standard 4, I attended his sports day at school. His friends thought that I was his sister! Really, no joke…Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy. I am entitled to be happy while I still can, aren't I?

Last night I had a weird dream. I dreamt that I bought a Ferragamo clutch for RM11.90. I think my mind is trying to tell me that it’s time to get a new handbag. Sayang, I hope you are reading this…

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