Thursday, April 2, 2009

The quest for flawless complexion (part 2 - AG2000)

Yesterday marked 1 month anniversary of me using AG2000 in my effort to clear my pigmentation. So far so good. The pigmentation has significantly faded, but still visible nonetheless. At least, I can now confidently leave the house without the need to put on compact powder to cover my flawed skin, alhamdulillah.

After 1 month, I only consumed about a quarter tube of the night and day cream. They are both very thick so I need to use only a small amount each time. The cleanser however, ran out pretty fast. It took me only 3 weeks to finish a bottle. A bottle of cleanser cost RM58 each. But considering the positive effect of the product on my skin, I don't mind paying that much. Of course, compared to other international brands, it's still considered cheap by comparison.

If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I had a full blown chicken pox last year right after I delivered Sophie. The scars are very visible on my face. AG2000 doesn't seem to help reduce the scar, it only works on the pigmentation specifically.

I will continue to use the product and post another update on the 'progress' of my skin in a month time. I hope by then, my skin would be close enough to being flawless, insya-Allah.


  1. Kak pakai Bedak Berubat keluaran Rojam Sdn Bhd... RM5 seketoi, nak try? ha ha ha...

    Memelihara Kulit Muka Agar Halus dan Licin... betoi, tak tipu, kulit memang jadi halus dan licin...

  2. macam pernah dengaq ja nama bedak ni. anyway, AG2000 tu pun keluaran bumiputra (berasaskan gamat) tapi tak tau pasai apa harga dia mahai sikit. dulu2 kat sekolah pakai bedak nyonya. pun kulit gebu gak tapi la ni bila dapat tau bedak tu punya strong sampai boleh kilatkan barang2 perak teruih takut. saya nampak sendiri kawan saya kilatkan barang perak pakai bedak nyonya tu.

  3. Kak, kalau nak best lagi, letak tepung gomak kat muka pun canteek gak. cam org gaji saya Indo tu. hari tu dier kena chicken pox lak. dah kasik elok dah muka dia. tepong gomak tu memang bagus utk yang kena chicken pox. nak lagi likat letak serbuk kunyit.
