Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's keep facebook politics-free

Gosh, I haven't updated my blog since Friday. I was simply too busy and a bit lethargic these days. All I wanna do is sleep and I have to try very very hard not to. I wonder why...I couldn't be pregnant again. The probability of me being pregnant is only 0.1%, according to my OBGYN. So that can't be it...

Anyway, a lot had happened since Friday - Earth Hour, the wrap up of UMNO general assembly, nomination day for the 3 by-elections, Malaysian won medals in a world cycling event and a few others that I can't remember at this point of time. Breastfeeding could drain your brain...hahaha.
The by-elections is garnering so much interest amongst Malaysians that it even invaded the Facebook. Much to the point that it makes me want to vomit. Last night I wrote this in my FB status "Azura says facebook should be a fun tool to get in touch with friends, not for one to promote his/her political agenda and provoke unnecessary reactions...PEACE people!" I had enough of reading things that I certainly feel not suitable for an average citizen like me. Why must they try to instill hatred in our heart??? Wake up people!!!

I thank God for what I have today - for living in a peaceful country and have enough food to feed my children. I was given the opportunity to study abroad and become what I am today - all because of the current system.

If you noticed, there is a certain type of people who like to instigate this type of sentiment. And they are usually in the left wing. This group of people will oppose everything and anything that is in the current system. I bet even if the opposition wiped out the next general election, this group of people will still be unsatisfied and they shall condemn the new government. Opposition is as opposition does... One cannot change one's lumrah I guess.

So, if you were in this group of people, please try to keep your sentiments to yourself or express your dissatisfaction through other channels - write your heart out in your blog, discuss it with your allies in mamak stall or whatever - but please keep facebook free of politics, don't make it look ugly because of your hatred towards certain quarters. And for that, I thank you my friend.

I say wake up people, look around you and be thankful.


  1. I rasa elok tukar warna biru. Hijau adalah PAS. dah tua tak reti-reti lagi.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    This is the kind of 'opposition' mentality that I was referring to. You are a perfect example. I don't need to explain any further my friend. Peace.

  3. zura,

    some people's attitudes just grossed us out kan?
