Sunday, March 1, 2009

My take on the toll hike U-turn decision

Before I write further, I would like to make it clear that I'm NOT anti-govt, nor am I pro opposition. I'm proud to say that I am a product of the system, without it, people like my husband, my sister and I may not have the opportunity to study overseas and become what we are today. So, I vote for the status quo to stay.

The reason I'm writing this particular post is because of the recent U-turn on the toll hike decision by the government. My concern is not the toll hike, but the U-turn decision. I've seen similar scenario many times in the current administration. Make a decision one day, overturned it the next. Why can't they just stick to it or study it carefully before making any decisions at the first place??? I call them hangat-hangat taik ayam administration.

To me, this looks as if they were:
1. Not prepared. Did not do their homework before making any major decision.
2. Weak. Will succumb to any pressure.
3. No direction. Will move towards any directions that deemed favourable at the time.
4. Lack communication. Obviously they didn't communicate enough.

Would this administration make a strong government. I think not. Would the PM in-waiting make the new administration strong. I think not too. I say Muhyiddin is a better bet!

Thanks to Tun M who has set such a high benchmark, it is hard for anyone to meet the expectation as PM in the next few decades...long live Tun M!

p/s: For the record, I don't support toll hike. I vote for NO toll :-)

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