Saturday, March 7, 2009

One fine Saturday morning...

I'm writing this article serenaded by the sound of hubby cleaning the fish pond in my courtyard with his new toy - Bosch water jet spray. The courtyard is just next to my home office.

The kids camped in my room last night. It has become their weekly routine. Once or twice a week they'd request to camp in my room. We watched TV until 1am and woke up at 10am by the sound of Sophie cooing in her crib. At 5months old she still wakes up at least once to feed at night at around 5am.

It's 12.32pm and I haven't prepared lunch. We'll most likely eat out for lunch. Having a baby always makes me feel so lazy to leave the house. I'm breastfeeding her exclusively, hence, I have to take her with me wherever I go. And the thought of preparing her, dealing with her crying in the car, taking turn to eat with hubby, are not really appealing to me right now. For those who don't have kids, babies are not exactly angels. They only appear like one in movies, in real life it's a different world altogether.

I just wanna stay home and relax. But the kids want a day out at the mall.

On Thursday, after lunch with hubby at Restoran Ubi Kayu, I made an unscheduled pit stop at my old office - to collect payment for a job I did for them. It was nice catching up with ex-colleagues. The office is still freezing cold like before. I hated that office because it was too cold for me. I once had to wear gloves in the office - it was so freaking cold. Sometime I felt that my brain was frozen till I cannot think straight. On that day, I had 4 hour of precious kids-free time. I cheer to that.

I seldom have 'me' time ever since I delivered Sophie. She has become my permanent accessory. Sometime I wish all babies could be like movie babies - you feed them, put them in their crib and they play till they fall asleep on their own. But then again, good things only happen in movies. Sophie is now sleeping in her playpen in my office. Whenever she's asleep I'll jump to the opportunity to update my blog or to check out my facebook.

Speaking of movies, I still haven't finished watching all 11 DVDs I bought the other day. I just don't have time to watch them. So far I only managed to watch 3. I hope to watch a few more this weekend.

Ok, it's time for my shower...yes, it's 1pm and I still haven't showered. It's Saturday, so who cares. Hubby has just finished cleaning the fish pond too...tomorrow he's leaving again, sigh.

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